I cannot tell you how much I look forward to those few quite moments when all is quiet just before bed. It happens after dinner and after the munchkin is in bed but before my husband ventures upstairs. This is when I take time to just be myself with a saucer of fruit and a good book. It's probably the most relaxing thing I do all day.
On the flip side, a great way to reward yourself with a healthy start is to have a great breakfast. Thanks to the folks at Quaker Oatmeal for giving me a chance to participate in an online discussion on the topic of healthy rewards at 4PM PST on Thursday, February 23rd. Please look below to find out more about the talk and how you can take part. By joining me and others in the discussion, you will automatically be entered to win a $50 amazon gift card. The winner will be chosen at the end of the talk. What's more, the grand prize for the sweepstakes is $1000. In fact, the more you participate, the better chance you have to win.
The benefits of a warm, filling bowl of oatmeal can keep you going all morning long.
Energy. Fiber. Heart Health. Quaker Oatmeal. A super grain breakfast.
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Quaker via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Quaker.

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