US Sees Rise in Kidney Stones In Children

It used to be almost unheard of: children being diagnosed with kidney stones. But doctors say it's becoming all too common. They're seeing kidney stones in children as young as 5. The main culprit in all of this? Salt.
In short, many people continue to feed their children the wrong kinds of foods and foods their young bodies are not ready for.
Read more about the new information HERE
Learning About the Stars and Planets

New Year's Eve and even New Year's Eve eve are great times to teach the kids about stars and planets. Why? Because this year, for much of the country, Venus will be visible just below the moon in the southwestern sky. A short time later, Mercury and Jupiter will be visible on the horizon to the south-southwest. Find out how and why HERE.
My son is a toddler and loves the Planet Song from Blue's Clues. We don't know if he's connecting the dots, but it's a start. See this segment from Blue's Clues (sung mainly by the show's original host, Steve Burns) by clicking on the thumbnail.

Mercury's hot too.
Venus is the brightest planet
and Earth is home to me and you.
Mars is the red one
Jupiter's most wide
Saturn's got those icy rings
Uranus spins on it's side.
Neptune's really windy
and Pluto's really small.
Well we wanted to name the planets, and now we've named them all!"
Of course, poor Pluto has been downgraded since this song was recorded. But think of it as another chance to explain what separates a planet from a moon.
Cute Friday Foto

Mommy giraffe Sarabi and her newborn who was just hours-old when this picture was taken this week at the Memphis Zoo. Read more HERE.
Picture courtesy of Karen Focht
Lisa Leslie & Daughter
Massive Crib Recall

Here's some startling news for parents of little ones. Delta Enterprise is recalling almost one million drop-side cribs for repair after the death of a child. Apparently, the crib locks can disengage and create a dangerous gap if they're lowered below the peg hole. So the recall was created to replace missing safety pegs.
The cribs were made in Taiwan and Indonesia. They were sold under various model numbers between 1995 and 2007.
What do you do if you discover you have one of the cribs? Stop using it immediately and go to http://www.cribrecallcenter.com/ for a free repair kit. You can also call 1-800-816-5304 for more information.
Obama Gear For Your Little One

Mama Voted for Obama!



Baby Ali

Two months after his birth, we are finally seeing Laila Ali's bouncing baby boy. The champion boxer gave birth to Curtis Muhammad Conway, Jr. on August 26th. As you probably know, Laila is the daughter of legendary boxer Muhammad Ali. She's married to retired NFL star Curtis Conway. This is the couple's first child. They had planned to deliver the baby at their home, but last minute complications forced them to a nearby hospital.
Laila tells OK Magazine, which scored the first pictures of the little one, that Curtis "caught the baby" and also cut the umbilical cord.
Read more about it at www.okmagazine.com.
Getting Pregnant

- by Lyrik08
Have you heard that Nicole Kidman credits Australian Outback waterfalls for her recent pregnancy? If you haven't take a look at THIS.
It does seem interesting that she never thought she'd carry a child of her own and then all of a sudden she and 6 other women would all get pregnant at the same time after swimming in this water. I mean, what's the likelihood that 7 women would all "get busy" and all end up pregnant at the same time? I know they say when women spend a lot of time together their cycles can synchornize, but all get pregnant too?
I know many woman would laugh at this thought and some may even be offended by the mere thought that swimming in some waters could assist in infertility or anything non-medicinal for that matter. However, you can't deny that 7 women pregnant at the same time, in the same exact place, after doing the same exact thing sounds like more than a fleeting coincidence.
What about this -- My husband and I had not been trying to conceive. However for 3 years we were doing nothing to avoid it either. Nothing happened. We were at the point where we thought we might have to talk about fertility options. Around the same time I joined a weight loss program through my job and our leader often mentioned Quinoa (pronounced Keen-wa) as a lower fat/calorie option to rice and or pasta.
So, I went out and bought a box. I'll give anything a try once. I used Quinoa in everything, in my tuna, I prepared it with black beans and tomatoes, I even substituted it in all my rice dishes.
Several weeks later my leader comes in and mentioned Quinoa again in a few dishes she was preparing. She proceeds to mention that her now pregnant friend said that Quinoa has been thought aid in fertility. Imagine my shock when a few weeks later, I was pregnant. Guess what else, a few weeks after that, our leader was pregnant.
Now I'm not running around saying Quinoa helped me get pregnant, but you have to admit, three women all eating the same product around the same time all get pregnant could raise eyebrows? Coincidence? Possibly, but you have to admit, a very interesting coincidence.
So, do you believe that there are "healing" waters or that there are non-medicinal things that can assist you with getting pregnant if you're having trouble? Leave us a note and share your thoughts and findings.
New Parents: Penny Pinching

Looking for ways to cut costs in this tough economy? It might be easier than you think.
Think about this: The U.S. government estimates that it will cost $269,520 to raise a kid born in 2004 to adulthood. But does that mean that's what it has to cost you? Maybe a whole lot of people are wasting a whole lot of money. A recent article on TheMotleyFool.com has some tips on getting the most for your buck and having some money to squirrel away. Some of our favorite tips for new parents are these:
Don't go hog wild on decorating a nursery. (Do you really need a diaper stacker?)
Buy your child's necessities in stages, not all at once.
Know when to NOT skimp.
Be sure to comparison-shop.
Make your own baby food.
You can read the whole article HERE.
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