Wouldn't it be nice if we all had extra time to prepare fantastic, leisurely meals for our families everyday. The reality is that for many of us, there's almost no such thing as "spare time". But healthy food is something that is very important to me, so I was very excited to use my free coupons to try out some new Healthy Choice entrees. The meals I picked up were called Sesame Glazed Chicken, Lemon Herb Chicken, and Portabella Parmesan Risotto.
Here's some background: This Spring I decided to get my family moving,which means less time on the sofa and more time walking or putting the Wii to good use. I'm also trying to find ways to help us to do two other things - get to bed on time and eat more vegetables. The latter explains why I was completely open to putting some quick, but more wholesome, meals on the table. Recently a study that followed 60 people for 30 days showed that replacing 10 meals per week with a Healthy Choice meal can increase your dietary fiber and lower your saturated fat intake by 50 percent.
From reading the ingredients I knew that my husband and son would get lots of vegetables in each serving, if they liked the meals. I'm thrilled to report that the Glazed Chicken and Lemon Herb Chicken were hits with a couple of the world's pickiest eaters. As for the Portabella Parmesan Risotto, I kept that one all to myself by making it into a few lunch portions. I'm already a sucker for almost anything parmesan, but I really enjoyed the risotto and it helped me save money on lunches that week. Here's what I think many parents will appreciate even more than all of that: Making the meals was SO easy. Two of them only required steaming in the microwave. I really don't think getting a decent meal on the table can be any easier than that.
Have you found any quick ways to make healthy meals? If so, let me know! I need all the help I can get.
I received compensation from TheMotherhood and Healthy Choice to try the dishes and give my very honest opinions in this post.
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